Pyrojet - Living Funeral

Living Funeral

I will jump right in and say that the songs, production, and packaging on Pyrojets Living Funeral are all A1, pro pro pro. Nothing on Living Funeral is sub-par. Joseph Larrea’s vocal performances are full of energy and sincerity. I am particularly fond of his performance in “Falling Stars” You can almost hear his body shake as he cries out his anthemic chants.

The Drumming on Living Funeral is stellar. I didn’t know that Greeks could drum like that, Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Holy Jesus!!!!… the drum and bass parts meld together so well that the rhythm section just seems inseparable. I mean just when you think you know what’s next, Zacks playful, melodic, and defining bass lines throw you a welcomed and well-deserved curveball.

All of this is accented by Dan’s colorful guitar work. I’m not sure but I truly believe that this guy must have worked at an ice cream parlor because he knows exactly when to throw in the whipped cream, cherries, and nuts. After all, what’s an ice cream sundae without whip cream, cherries, and nuts?

Living Funerals 11 tracks touch on some historic influences without being derivative. At times you can hear where Maiden made it into their CD player and stayed there just long enough to leave a trail of itself and occasionally you hear one of Green Days spit wads smacking someone on the forehead. However, the Pyros have found a way to pave thru it all and emerge with an original sound that remains familiar.

Pyrojet does what they do exceptionally well and even more importantly they carry enough conviction and spirit to sell their brand of ‘love power punk pop’ to anyone who stops to listen.

Ferny Coipel
The Shack North Studios/Humbert Lead singer

Track List

  1. Hellway of Living
  2. True/False Connection
  3. Falling Stars
  4. Straight Forward
  5. Pyroman
  6. You
  7. Reality TV
  8. Cruel Intentions
  9. Hollow
  10. Arlene’s Demise
  11. Indispensable


Joseph Larrea: Vocals/Rythm Guitar
Santiago Cadavid: Bass
Daniel Falquez: Lead Guitar
Orestis Bardoutsos: Drums



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